One thing is for sure: our biological clocks are based in the genetic information inherited from our ancestry. Predisposition for long life (the maximum lifespan) is based in “telomere” length. Telomeres are the end stops for chromosomes that “shorten” with each cell division. When telomere length is critically shortened, then cellular senescence (old age) sets in. When enough cells in tissues are senescent, then the functions of tissues and organs suffer. In addition, predisposition to disease is encoded by the genes; the links for our chromosomal chains. Diseases include cancer, autoimmune disorder cardiovascular disease…neurological diseases…etc.
The maximum life span for humans is about 120 years, but few individuals pass the century mark. Let’s consider what basic occurrences deter us from maximizing our life spans, while propelling us faster towards our inherent health risks.
What is Aging?
In a hot-tempered fit of anger, most of us have said, “I’m burning up!” Thinking back to that moment of stress, your heart was racing, your face flushed, and your mind was on “alert” as you focused upon a life challenge. Your neuroendocrine system stimulated the release of cortisol (the stress hormone), and extra sugar was provided by the liver for quick energy. The sympathetic nervous system (the fight –or-flight system) increased the metabolic rate of your cells to provide greater heat energy to meet the demand, as your kidneys and GI system shut down. Structures in the brain were activated such as the amygdala, known to generate emotions and modulate response mechanisms for anxiety and fear; the hippocampus (known to process prior memories) the locus ceruleus, (producing norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter for sympathetic function), and the raphe nucleus, located in the brainstem (providing serotonin to control mood).
The reticular- activating system in your brain generated impulses that aroused the cerebrum (controlling thought and cognition).
All these effects from stress, strain, anxiety and tension produced greater levels of heat energy- increasing the desiccation of tissues, microscopic scarring in small volumes of tissues, increasing disorder on atomic and molecular levels…and Aging.
Despite the fact that elderly individuals tend to develop high blood pressure, impaired glucose tolerance, diminished thyroid function and decline in sexual proclivity, such factors are contributory, and secondary to the aging process. Aging, while involving genetic predisposition and a host of other factors is actually a progressive slow burn of the essential components of our bodies.
Metabolism is concerned with overall heat production (including cellular oxidative stresses from free radicals) dealing with chemical reactions within cells and tissues. Metabolism includes all biochemical processes within cells, concerned with their building up (anabolism), breaking down (catabolism) and functioning. Stress, tension, strain and anxiety challenge our cells to provide extra energy for the maintenance of homeostasis.
Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of heat energy produced by the body to maintain life processes when the body is in a state of physical, emotional, and digestive rest. Thus, while the maximum life span is encoded by the genes (involving our biological clocks known as telomeres) levels of stress and strain place extra demands on our cells, increasing metabolic rates and heat energy. Remember, a burn is a lesion caused by heat or any cauterizing agent. While heat energy is a normal product of metabolism basically under genetic control, environmental factors can negatively influence the natural processes of life. When emotional insults, disease or injury strike, the intrinsic defense mechanisms of life must provide increased energy to meet demanded exigencies. Increased levels of energy will be used to reorder systems, but entropy (disorder) will nevertheless increase within small volumes of tissues; to increase microscopic scarring. Gradually, in spite of meeting physiologic needs, aging is the inevitable result when metabolic rates are forced to increase over extended time frames. And when cortisol levels remain high for too long, immune function diminishes.
Dreaming of Slowing Aging?
(Anti-Aging Magnetic Resonance Therapy is the Logical Choice)
While there are numerous theories and approaches to ameliorating the aging process, lets go to the essential heart of the matter. Atomic and sub-atomic structures will be reoriented in space and time as a natural sequelae to transient disequilibria, to change the way sub-atomic particles behave… as they are tiny electromagnets. With changing stress levels, electromagnetic profiles of tissues may become too strong, too weak, or unbalanced. These electromagnetic profiles, representing the fundamental structures of which we are made, must be renormalized to re-establish a state of global health.
We now know what normal electromagnetic profiles must be, based upon direct measurements with atomic magnetometers, including the brain, heart and other bodily organs. They are in the pico-Tesla range, subtle energies that are millions of times weaker than the Earth’s natural magnetic field. Since atomic structures are so small, it is understandable why from a microscopic point of view; the natural intrinsic magnetic profiles of tissues are subtle energies.
Living systems evolved into a complex array of many trillions of atoms, and our functional nature involves intrinsic regulation of atoms through long-range communications carried by the electromagnetic force. Therefore, it is also reasonable to conclude that renormalization of naturally occurring magnetic profiles can enable atoms and molecules to “work together,” in a cooperative coherent fashion. Changing the magnetic component of electromagnetic profiles automatically renormalizes the electric component.
This is the function of Magnetic Resonance Therapy, which is the reordering of atomic and molecular cooperativity.
Through the enhancement of feelings of relaxation, i.e. autonomic modulation through parasympathetic stimulation, heat energy production is generally decreased while the body meets the stresses and strains of life. The mechanism refers us to what is known as piezoelectricity- the conversion of electromagnetic oscillations to mechanical vibrations and conversely, the conversion of mechanical vibrations, to electromagnetic oscillations. Indeed, the molecular vibrational frequencies can be restored through magnetic resonance energies normal to the body: safely, non-invasively and effectively.
Research over the past thirty years has revealed a plethora and diversity of positive generalized effects from non-ionizing radiant energy. Non-ionizing radiation does not break up atoms like x-rays.
One of the great pioneers in the field called Bioelectromagnetics was Professor Ross Adey of Loma Linda University. He said, “One of the great but often unrecognized accomplishments in the quest for order in living systems is the revelation of an exquisite succession of structural and functional hierarchies that interact within and between each other.
It is at the atomic level that physical, rather than chemical events now appear to shape the flow of signals and the transmission of energy in biomolecular systems. These recent observations have opened doors to new concepts of communication between cells as they whisper together through barriers of cell membranes. Fields, millions of times weaker than the membrane potential gradient modulate cell responses to surface stimulation by molecules like neurotransmitters, hormones, and antibodies.”
Indeed, recent research has indicated the potential of magnetic resonance energies to modulate genetic structuring and functioning. The future now holds the promise of enhanced longevity through a safe, natural and effective new holistic paradigm for wellness.