In recent years, the wellness industry has grown exponentially into a multi-trillion-dollar economy. However, this growth has come with its own set of criticisms, such as the suggestion that businesses are preying on consumer fears to make a profit and influencers are selling products without any scientific evidence. While these criticisms are sometimes warranted, it is important to remember that the wellness concept is grounded in a holistic and proactive approach to health and well-being. Despite the questionable activities that may exist within the industry, the modern wellness movement has brought about a significant amount of positive change to the world over the last decade.
- Embracing Holistic Health
The modern wellness movement has brought about a revitalization of the ancient concept of health as a holistic experience. This understanding is based on the idea that our well-being is multidimensional and interconnected, and is not solely based on physical health or medical treatments. This shift in thinking has encouraged people to include other aspects of their lives, such as mental and social health, in their overall approach to health and wellness. This is evidenced by the fact that many people now visit the gym or take exercise classes as much for the mental and social benefits as for the physical. This holistic approach to health allows us to take a holistic view of our overall well-being.
2. Mainstreaming Traditional Modalities for Prevention and Self-care
The wellness movement has done a great job of mainstreaming ancient and traditional practices of healing, such as meditation, yoga, herbal supplements and plant-based medicines, that had previously been considered fringe in Westernized societies. This has not only broadened our understanding of self-care, but has encouraged the scientific and medical communities to look more closely at these modalities and their potential benefits. For example, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda in India have been modernized and brought back into use by the wellness industry, which has helped to revitalize their use among younger generations. This renewed enthusiasm for ancient wellness practices has made a huge impact in terms of expanding our knowledge of preventive and therapeutic strategies for improving health and resilience.
3. Increasing Consumer Choice and Business Innovations
The wellness market has exploded in recent years due to the desire for healthier lifestyles, as well as an increasing demand for alternatives and complements to allopathic care. This growing market is driven by the need for choice and personal agency, as well as experimentation with both ancient and modern practices. Businesses are investing in research and innovations to meet these needs, providing a wide range of products and services to meet different individual requirements. For example Magneceutical Health’s use of Magnetic Resonance Therapy has helped to ease the heavy stress burden on the Autonomic Nervous System which is unavoidable in our modern world.
4. Destigmatizing Mental Health Treatments
Wellness is an important concept to consider for our overall health and wellbeing. It is about more than just preventing disease, but about achieving a higher level of health across various dimensions such as physical, mental, and social. The mental dimension of wellness has been highlighted recently, especially during the pandemic. This has shifted the focus away from just coping with or stigmatizing mental health conditions, and towards a more positive, empowering approach. It emphasizes the need to build resilience and social connection, while also finding purpose and meaning in our lives. This awareness can help us to show understanding, compassion, and support for one another’s mental health conditions.
5. Moving From “Sick Care” to Prevention
The current healthcare system is focused on treating people who are already ill or injured, rather than prevention, leaving us with an approach that is inefficient and costly. Research has shown that the majority of our health outcomes are determined by social determinants, and yet healthcare systems have limited influence over them. Fortunately, the wellness movement has raised awareness of the need to prioritize self-care and community care approaches, which emphasize prevention and health-enhancing practices. If we are able to make this shift, then it could potentially lead to more people living happier, healthier, and longer lives, while also reducing the strain on our healthcare systems.
6. Building Pathways for Sustainability and Health Equity
The modern wellness movement has shifted from a focus on the individual to a recognition of our connection to the collective. We are now recognizing that our individual health and well-being are inextricably linked to the well-being of other people and the planet. To be truly well, we must look beyond our own wellness bubble and consider the well-being of our communities. Questions such as whether our air is safe to breathe, our access to healthy foods, and the treatment of those providing us with services are becoming more important. This shift is bringing sustainability and health equity issues to the fore, and the wellness movement is playing an important role in bringing these issues closer to home.